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Tour de Prignitz anniversary

Cycling event with musical drive

Project profile

It is the largest cycle tour through the region in north-west Brandenburg, which always takes place in early summer … – and will see participants pedalling for the 20th time in 2017. As was the case in the past, the Tour de Prignitz is made up of six stages of around 50 kilometres per day. There are cultural stops and amusing refreshment breaks along the way.

To mark the end of the anniversary tour, the main sponsors of the Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung and Antenne Brandenburg are welcoming the artists Johannes Oerding and Bell, Book & Candle to Wittenberge to perform highly acclaimed concerts.



Antenne Brandenburg and Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung


several locations in the Prignitz




Concept and supervision of the stage parties at the destination
Technical planning, consultation and implementation
Production management
Project management

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