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Europafest in Zittau

Together at the border triangle

Project profile

Europe is all about peaceful coexistence and that is precisely what the 8,000+ visitors to the Europafest demonstrated.
This Europafest at the border triangle between Zittau, Hradek and Bogatynia celebrated Poland and the Czech Republic joining the EU 20 years ago. With this in mind, the Federal Agency for Technical Relief has built a temporary bridge over the River Neisse to connect Germany with Poland and the Czech Republic at the border triangle.
The “Europa-Express” brought the guests to the festival site. The 360° panoramic views from the balloon on the crane cable were definitely just as big a highlight as the political picnic and the variety-packed rich cultural programme.
Among those attending the political picnic were Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, Saxony’s Minister for European Affairs Katja Meier, the Head of the Saxon State Chancellery, Minister of State Oliver Schenk, State Secretary Mathias Weilandt, Martin Půta, Hejtmann of the Liberec District and Woiwode Maciej Awiżeń as well as Cezary Przybylski, Marshal of Lower Silesia.



European Commission Representation in Germany


Zittau, Hradek and Bogatynia




Approaching and coordinating exhibitors and stakeholders
Floor layout planning
Authorisation procedure
Provision of technology and its support
Project management
Production management
Project control
Reporting and documentation
Security concept
Budgeting and budget control

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