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Day of Democrats

Together against the right

Project profile

The President of the State Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Aktionsbündnisses gegen Gewalt, Rechtsextremismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit (Coalition for Action against Violence, Right-Wing Extremism and Racism) issue a call for a “Day of Democrats” in Halbe.

Students from all over Brandenburg are getting involved with a banner campaign. More than 8,000 people arrive in the city and prevent a Nazi march at the Waldfriedhof cemetery. Artists such as Karat, Ulla Meinecke, Heinz Rudolf Kunze and Dirk Michaelis also get involved with their appearances.



State Parliament of Brandenburg


Brandenburg, Halbe


2005 / 2006


Planning and implementation
Project and production management
Technical consultation, equipment and realisation
General contractor

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